This policy is intended to comply with Regulation 17 (Good Governance) 

The Policy

Business Ethics 

Pathfinders-Care works to ensure standards are met, and where possible, exceeds all relevant legal requirements. 

Pathfinders-Care endeavours to behave with transparency, honesty, integrity and acts fairly and ethically in its relationships and dealings with its suppliers, customers and other stakeholders and extends its own values to relationships with these parties, working only with companies that uphold high standards of ethical conduct and fair practices. 

The organisations employee handbook and the Services Directory details its approach to these matters and a section on whistle blowing encourages employees  and those who use the services to report any concerns and provides means for them to do so with anonymity. This is reinforced in the organisations Whistle blowing policy

Summary of key policies: 

Equal opportunities policy 

Pathfinders-Care is committed to achieving equal opportunities for all, through fair employment policies, procedures and practices. 

Pathfinders-Care respects employee human rights and dignity and recognises the advantages of a diverse workforce. Pathfinders-Care does not tolerate any harassment of, or discrimination against, employees or potential employees, irrespective of their of race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, gender reassignment.

Employment of people with disabilities 

Pathfinders-Care makes every effort to ensure that disabled employees are treated fairly and without prejudice. 

Job applicants with disabilities have an equal opportunity to be selected for employment, and disabled employees have an equal opportunity to be selected for promotion and receive training to aid their career development. However Pathfinders-Care is aware of its responsibility in working in a Regulated Activity to ensure that employees are fit both physically and mentally to do the work required. 

Family friendly employment policies 

The Maternity and Paternity and Shared Leave policies of Pathfinders-Care meet the statutory minimum standards in relation to leave. 

Flexible approaches to returning to work after maternity leave, including part-time and non-standard hours of work, are adopted where viable. 

Employee training and development 

Pathfinders-Care considers continuous learning to be one of its core organisational values and training is a key constituent of the employee supervision and appraisal processes. 

Pathfinders-Care has in house trainers and a Clinical Tutor who, together with the HR Officer, is responsible for sourcing appropriate employee training. 

Pathfinders-Care aims to provide a safe and rewarding career pathway for all its employees.  We have a variety of bursaries for those going on to complete various professional training courses.

Employee communication and involvement 

Management acknowledges the importance of internal communication

Staff are kept informed of general business issues and other matters of interest. This is by regular staff meetings, themed supervisions, memos and notice boards which are used both to communicate organisational matters to staff and to elicit questions, feedback and requests. 


People are the organisations largest expense and the procurement of other supplies such as stationery and medical supplies is a smaller proportion of outgoings. 

However, we aim to use local companies for supplies wherever possible and have a company policy of recycling printer cartridges, paper, cardboard and other supplies as appropriate. 

Health and Safety 

Given the nature of our services, Health and Safety is a priority within the organisations work spaces. Pathfinders-Care Health and Safety Policies and Procedures are issued to all employees at the start of their employment, and induction training for all staff, reinforces specific health & safety training. 


Pathfinders-Care seeks to reduce usage of overall building emissions, energy usage or waste by encouraging staff to turn off equipment and lights outside of normal office hours, and where possible minimise usage during working hours. In essence we encourage all staff to develop a sustainable approach to their work and make the most efficient and effective use of all resources

Pathfinders-Care has a Green Travel Plan in place. We encourage staff to use sustainable modes of transport to commute to work. We aim to deploy staff in tight geographical areas to minimise travel. However due to the nature of the care work and the requirement to provide care in unsocial hours and being in  rural area, it remains a challenge to move away from the traditional need for carers with car transport, as public transport and bikes cannot sustain the care provision as a whole, and would undoubtedly impede efficiency or effectiveness.

We have the HMRC Cycle to Work Scheme in place for subsidised bicycles and showering facilities available for people who cycle or jog to work.

Political and charitable donations 

Pathfinders-Care policy is that it does not donate money, services or facilities to political parties. 

Pathfinders-Care endeavours to work with charities and organisations that are either in some way local, or of interest to its employees. 

We have introduced an annual ballot for employees to select charities to sponsor for each forthcoming year. 

We will encourage and enable staff who wish to undertake voluntary activities to do so and give them the time and opportunity to participate in charitable events. If required, reasonable use of time and facilities will be allowed e.g. Comic Relief MS Society Coffee Fundraisers  

Quality Assurance 

An annual quality audit of all the organisations policies is undertaken as part of our statutory obligations under the Health and Social Care Act 2008, and in accordance with the Guidance issued by the Care Quality Commission. This is part of our continual quality monitoring system.

Policy Champion: Registered Manager (director)

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